By now we know to expect great things from Beta Frontiers. It shouldn’t be a surprise when he drops a ridiculously catchy remix or original track like it’s no big deal. But a new track from him IS a big deal and, yet again, he has delivered.
Whereas his recent remixes have taken great songs to the next level of funky danceability, his new take on ANAMAI‘s Lucia thoughtfully transforms a dark, slow, atmospheric tune into an electro chillout treasure. He retains the spirit of the original by chopping and layering Anna Mayberry’s haunting vocals over a twitchy groove but there are no lyrics, no narrative to follow. It’s as if Mayberry is looking down over a Beta Frontiers landscape being all like “mmmmmm mhmmmmm yesssss”.
These two produce radically different work but their collaborations result in greatness. We loved the pop single they released together on Buzz Records last year.
If she’s rolling through your hometown, catch ANAMAI on tour this Spring!